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- mAltTab Docm
- version 0.2 26-Sep-93
- © 1992-93 Gérard Cornu
- Compiled with SAS/C® 6.3
- AltTab, as well as all its accompanying files, is ©1992-93 Gérard Cornu
- but is freely redistributable. When re-distributing don't forget to
- include this unmodified doc file. And don't charge more than the cost
- of an AmigaLibdisk from Fred FISH.
- This program cannot be used for commercial purposes, or included on
- magazine's cover disks, without the written permission of the author
- (myself!). *** This applies to commercial PD distributors, as well ***.
- Peter Miles (see end of file) is certainly allowed to include it
- in the ICPUG Amiga library.
- Fred Fish is obviously allowed to include it in its unique AmigaLibDisk
- library.
- |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
- | As regard to Fred and the AmigaLibDisk library, don't forget to |
- | contact your club or 'Fish disks' distributor to have them take a |
- | regular subscription to the AmigaLibDisk library, if they don't |
- | already have one. This is very important for the future of the Amiga- |
- | LibDisk library, therefore for the future of the Amiga. |
- | |
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Thierry Colin (AmigaNews / Amiga DP / DPAT) is authorised to include it
- in the french speaking Amiga PD collection "DPAT" (Domaine Public Amiga
- Toulouse).
- Introduction:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AltTab is a little 'Commodity' (so needs Amiga Os 2.x and over) written
- to facilitate the moves between Amiga screens.
- Those of you who have had to use wee'ndose (® ;-), poor you (and I know
- what I am speaking about), know that when one keeps the left 'Alt' key
- down and press the 'Tab' key successively, the title of each application
- presently loaded is displayed. Once you release both keys you find yourself
- in the last displayed application. This is roughly the way AltTab works.
- Installation:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Can't be easier! You can start AltTab either by entering its name in a
- Shell (preceded by 'run >NIL:' if you want to close the Shell later),
- double-clicking on its icon, or by dropping AltTab's icon in your
- WBStartup drawer. If you choose the latter, AltTab will be started
- next time and every time you boot your machine.
- Utilisation:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Being a 'Commodity', AltTab can be controlled by 'Exchange'.
- When AltTab is active, if you keep the left 'Alt' key down and then press
- the 'Tab' key, the default public screen will pop to front with a window
- displaying the next screen's name.
- If there is one, otherwise you'll only get a 'DisplayBeep'!
- If you release the 'Tab' key then press it again, while keeping the left
- 'Alt' key down, the window will show the next screen's name, and so on.
- Once the name of the screen which interests you is displayed, release
- both keys and this screen will pop to front.
- Useful little warning!
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- While AltTab's window is displayed, don't try to close one of the screens,
- else you'll have a visit from you know who...!!!
- One can't be 100% system compatible and at the same time allow himself
- to lock Custom screens. (If you can prove me wrong, I'd like to hear about
- your solution).
- Meanwhile don't forget to...
- |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
- | Send any suggestion, bug report, compliment ;-), dark chocolate, |
- | freely distributable software, 16 Gb hard disks, A3 48 bits colour |
- | scanners, brand new AMIGA 6000 with Alpha CPU, etc... |
- | |
- | OR JUST A POST CARD (made of dark chocolate!) to: |
- | |
- | Gérard CORNU |
- | 11 avenue Edouard Aynard |
- | 69130 ECULLY |
- | |
- | FRANCE. (WPC) ¹ |
- | |
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- (¹) World People Community ;-)
- Have plenty of nice days! ... me too!
- ¤ Peter Miles: ICPUG Amiga library organiser, (among other
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ responsibilities!).
- ICPUG is the one and only Independent Commodore Products Users Group.
- ICPUG is a non-profit making voluntary group run by its members
- for its members.
- To become a member of this brilliant club contact:
- Jack COHEN, ICPUG Membership secretary, P.O. Box 1309,